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"I got just the thing!" Conor turned away, unlocked his Jeep, and pulled a large beach towel from the back seat. Folding it he placed it on the pavement. "Try that, cougar!" he was leaning on his Jeep with his big cock sticking out waiting for me.To my knees I went and began to suck him, lick him, and deepthroat him. His moans were growing intense as I took him every inch. "Wow... She is a sexy cougar!" I looked over to see Tyler had returned. I reached my left hand out to his crotch. In no time he had his cock out filling my hand. "I told you, she's a hot fucking MILF!" Conor replied.I now went back and forth between the two of them sucking and licking away. When I thought one was getting close to coming I switched. This went on for how long I don't know, all I cared about was fulfilling my filthy desire for devouring cock.Suddenly, I heard some women's voices. The three of us looked over to see two young women walking by. "Oh, my God! That woman is blowing them!" They then started. Grace was begging that her asshole couldn't take anymore and she would do anything. Mom went out and returned with a basket with shaving cream, razor, scissors, and several other items."Gracie dear, you have way too much hair. When was the last time you had a haircut." She laughed. "Don't worry; mommy is going to take care of all that nasty hair down there." Please, don't shave my bush. Please Grace, I mean mistress. Please." Grace begged. "I don’t everything you asked."Mom had already snipping on her pussy hairs and giving them to Paul to put in a container as a souvenir for her. While she started shaving the stubs still sticking our, she told me to puck all those nasty hairs off her asshole which I did with much pleasure. Grace would yell with each pull and I made sure to take my time. She was finally starting to relax when the shaving was done and all the hairs were plucked but mom wasn't done yet. Grabbing her by the hair, she started chopping away at her head hair till it was.
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